I am hooked on a fairy fruit


Karolina Albricht and Lottie Stoddart


I am hooked on fairy fruit is a collaborative conversation between words and image by two artists, Karolina Albricht and Lottie Stoddart. In 1912, Wassily Kandinsky published Klänge (Sounds), a collection of his prose-poems interspersed with woodcuts, a book that was to become one of the most beautiful examples of the early twentieth century “artist’s book.” 112 years later, Albricht and Stoddart have created an artist book. This is a project initiated from a perfect storm of circumstances; a close friendship born of studying together; a mutual admiration for the other’s practice; but perhaps most importantly, of a shared residency experience in Norfolk. Both artists stayed at High House around Easter time, Stoddart in 2019 and Albricht in 2024, providing a common seasonal experience with a deep engagement of the surrounding Norfolk landscape. Albricht’s monoprints were a new foray into explorative printmaking and it is these prints that have become the seeds of each and every one of Stoddart’s literary responses.


£10 + £2.50 pp

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I am hooked on a fairy fruit
Karolina Albricht and Lottie Stoddard
36 pagesDesign: Karolina Albricht
Self-published, launched on 28th September 2024 at JGM Gallery, London.